Individuals new to marketing often struggle to grow their following organically. However, they need this following to boost their business. Without it, they will spend large sums of money on customer acquisition.
Many people buy Instagram followers, and this is an effective method of generating more interest in a page. A person can view page to learn more about the benefits of going this route. However, organic followers remain the best long-term option. How can a business generate interest and gain more organic followers without spending a fortune?
Quality Posts
Experienced marketers understand that people are visual creatures. They like to see things that generate an emotion or tell a story. People come to Instagram to see quality photos that will provide them with more information about a product. They want to be inspired when they see these photos.
Individuals who are new to using Instagram for business purposes often create text and then throw a photo in with the text. This is a mistake. The image needs to be the focus of the post and deliver a message. The words under the photo are used to provide more information. Choose high-resolution photos that communicate something to the viewer and watch the organic following increase.
Quality photos need to stand out in a person’s feed. Bold colors allow photos to achieve this goal. The same holds for photos with high contrast. Keep this in mind when choosing which images to post on the site.
Pick a Consistent Theme
Many people don’t realize a person can identify a brand by the theme used in photos. If a brand uses the same filter or theme for every photo, a person scrolling through their feed will automatically know who posted the picture. This increases the likelihood of them stopping to take a better look at the image.
Every image posted by the business reinforces the brand in the consumer’s mind thanks to the theme. Many people think repetition will become annoying. They know they become tired of a song radio station play repeatedly or change the channel when an ad they have seen countless times comes on. While this may be the case in the short run, a person actually brings this same brand to mind when they need a product or service it offers.
Regular Posts
To grow a following on Instagram, a person or business must be present on the site. This means posting every day. Assign one person to post on the site daily, and have them check for comments and likes. Instagram has millions of daily users in America alone. Consistency is the key to increasing followers, as they want to see new things when they visit the platform. Instagram takes note of those pages that post regularly and will often feature them on the Explore page. This is an outstanding way to gain new followers, so be consistent in this area.
There may come a time when posting daily isn’t possible for some reason. Instagram recognizes this and offers the option of scheduling posts in advance. A business owner should take advantage of this to ensure they don’t miss an opportunity to get in front of the target audience. Use the Instagram Insights feature to learn the best time to post each day. This is when the posts get the most likes and comments.
This information might not be of much help until the page gets a bigger following. Instagram followers often check their feed at lunchtime, so try to post around 11 am. However, as the page gains a bigger following, be sure to check the Insights page to see if this is when followers like and comment on posts.
Host a Contest
People turn to social media to be entertained. They want to interact with others in a fun and engaging way. Hold a contest to engage existing followers and reach new people. Current followers will share the contest with existing followers. They may like the page and share it with their followers.
This creates a chain reaction that could lead to an influx of new people following the page. Use hashtags to promote the contest as well. This helps more people find the page. When running this contest, ensure the prize relates directly to the page offerings and the target audience.
Try these methods today to gain more followers on Instagram. These are only a few of many ways to accomplish this goal. Each page owner will need to find those techniques that work for them. The key, however, is engaging content. Without this content, a person may visit the page only to never return. Make each post visually appealing and they will come back and share the page with others. Before a person knows it, they will have more followers than they ever imagined possible.
Read more:
Outstanding Ways to Gain New Followers on Instagram