When it comes to travel & tourism packages such as Egypt Tours Packages, “budgeting” remains a crucial factor irrespective of the location.
It doesn’t matter if the site you are visiting is as cheap as Egypt or luxurious. If you don’t have a perfect budget listing, there are 50% chances that you are going to run out of money without having any type of adventure at all. Therefore, the following is an ultimate guide on What is the average cost of XXX in Egypt? The following guide covers every aspect that may cost you, high or low. Let’s take a glance:
What is the average Air Travel Cost to Egypt?
To begin with, with Egypt tour packages, Air travel cost remains countably. In comparison, if you book air travel flight tickets to Egypt independently, you will have to pay a full amount of 40, 000 Rs. (approximately) in India on a per-person basis. On the other hand, Egypt Tour packages with elite travel agencies can cut down your flight cost by 5k Rs. Hence, making a big difference on their part.
Whereas, if you are travelling from the USA to Egypt, the average air travel cost is $500. Flight for Egypt from the UK costs less as compared to other alternatives. From London, it is only 308 Pounds.
What is the average accommodation cost for tourists in Egypt?
Housing or temporary accommodations remains a very important part of the trip. If you don’t have a good housing experience, this trip will never remind you of good times. Two factors are elitely helpful while choosing an accommodation: the season of Egypt and your comfort zone. If you desire to exploit luxury and royal housing facilities, Resort Sharm El Sheikh is perfect. Its average cost for a single day stay is 500 USD.
Holiday Inn Cairo, Marriott Mene House, and Kempinski Nile Hotel Garden are some cheap accommodations with a per-day stay of not more than 200 USD.
At the same time, to make your trip worthwhile and cheap, you can increase your group size. For example, if you are a solo person or couple staying at a hotel in Egypt, there are fewer chances of receiving a discount. Whereas, if you are going in multiple groups, you can have a beautiful stay at a luxurious hotel without spending a lot.
What is the average food cost in Egypt?
Imagine you have been in Egypt for a few hours only, and the first time you eat at a restaurant costs you 300 Egyptian pounds. To the reader’s surprise, it happens more than you think. Since Egypt is both cultural and round-the-year open for tourists, it is difficult to figure out which restaurant is expensive and which is not. You cannot tell by the look of the restaurant because they are there to serve the tourists better. So, how do you know if a restaurant is charging you more than average? Here are few statistics:
The average food cost in Egypt is 60 EGP/person (mostly cheap restaurants)
A throuple course meal for two will cost you EGP 150/person (middle-range or 3-star restaurants)
5-Star Restaurants in Egypt (mostly in Cairo range) will cost 250 EGP/person.
On the other hand, presuming that you are on a solo trip, you can also visit McDonald’s premises and eat a full McD meal for 80 EGP only.
Can you drink in Egypt? If yes, how much does a drink cost there?
The answer is YES. Purchasing or selling alcohol in public places like local stores and shops is banned in Egypt. Although, the law of Egypt has exempted this ban for hotels and tourist facilities approved stores and shops only. Hence, yes, you can drink in Egypt if you want. Cairo is one of the prominent places in Egypt where drinking & smoking is not prohibited as it is one of the most liberal locations in the entire country.
It is also recommendable to plan to drink in a licensed bar or restaurant. Otherwise, you can also stick to your hotel room. In Egypt, drinking in public places is legally forbidden. Hence, if you don’t want to come back from Egypt with a legal case on your back, keep your hands off alcohol in public.
Apart from that, an average 12 ounces beer pint in Egypt costs 50 EGP to 100 EGP, depending on the brand. In recent years, Egypt has taken multiple actions on reducing the activity of smoking among women. In support of it, the Egyptian Government has also recently prohibited the act of smoking in public places. From Hookah to Cigarettes, everything is forbidden.
So, yet again, stick to your room if you are an occasional smoker.
For more information, tips & tricks on budgeting your trip to Egypt, get in touch with our experts who craft perfect Egypt Tour packages for you.